How Danae spent the gold, and why

The online journal of Susan Mosser, a writer of speculative fiction.

Saturday, November 5

I got those Woke Up in the Mornin Lyin Here Thinkin Please, Please, No More Individuation Blues

At the bottom of Maslow's own list of the qualities of a self-actualized person is this final line:

"Accepts the world for what it is."

I have been thinking about this one a lot lately. Not in that musing, meditative "For which unattainable spiritual aspiration is the Universe kicking my ass this week?" sort of way that reassured and amused me in the years before I knew what a cosmic ass-kicking actually felt like; but in that resentful, exhausted, half-grown child trying to stomp up a tantrum but just too grown to do that anymore sort of way that is simply an obstruction to understanding. (You know the one I mean.) By lately, I mean the last few years, especially the last couple of months since I quit working nights and started waking up again, and in particular the last two hours, awake before dawn on a day when I planned and oh so wanted to sleep in.


Why does Maslow's glorious human have to accept the world for what it is? This is not guarateed to bring happiness. Ask Skinner. Or success. Ask Dub-ya.

Hmm. On that very last note? I feel a little better.


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